Great Athletes™ is a social enterprise with a mission to improve levels of physical activity in primary school children, a mission that we at Bishop Sport & Leisure also support.
How can you get your sports equipment free?
By simply booking an inspirational athlete event for your school!* Schools that have a Great Athletes™ event benefit from a fun fitness session and an inspiring assembly from their visiting athlete, all of whom have represented their country competing at the highest possible level in their sport.
The events do not cost the school anything and 98% of schools come away from their event with money to spend on resources such as sports equipment. Money is raised through sponsorship, with a portion covering the cost of running the event, and the majority comes back to the school to spend on sports equipment.
“Great athlete, great afternoon!
Frederick was the best athlete we had so far. He was engaging, looked like he had fun and delivered the assembly at a level that engaged all the children from Year 1 to Year 6. The children all really enjoyed the activities and, due to the experiences Frederick shared, developed a great understanding of the importance of perseverance. We would love to have him back next year.”

*terms and conditions apply, contact Great Athletes™ for full details on 01223 792200